Teaching the Future


One of our main branches of T-Tuari is volunteering, where we target different libraries and host workshops for elementary and middle schoolers. In these workshops, we focus on different competitive math subjects and gear them with skills that enable them to succeed in these competitions. We have hosted over 15-20 workshops, and draw an audience of around 15 kids every time, eager to learn and engage in disciples outside their standard schoolwork.

Workshops Snippets

Lectures in the first section of the workshop, explaining what competitive math is to the students. Lectures consist of introductions, curriculum, and activities.

Grading students math kangaroo practice papers after teaching them the curriculum for the day. Based on the accuracy of the student's work, they will get candy.

1 on 1 tutoring with individual students after worksheets and contest papers are passed out. Students can request for help and one of our volunteers will step up and help.

Students listened eagerly at the presentations on the projector. The curriculum includes different skills and topics based on the contests, like multiplication and division rules.

Our volunteers are checking the student's papers and providing them with feedback on specific problems.

Talking to the parents about future steps, and more practice opportunities they can do outside of our workshops to prepare for contests.

Fun activity regarding probability and card decks to engage the kids and relate math to the real-world.

Another lecture in the first half of the workshops presenting all the different concepts of competitive math and explaining in detail each type of math.

Full Workshop Videos

College Tutoring

In-Peer Tutoring @ Math Learning Center (S101) every Monday (3:30 pm-6pm PST), ranging in topics from Trigonometry to Linear Algebra.

Online Tutoring every Monday and Wednesday, from (7pm-9pm PST)

One of our community college students obtaining help for Calculus A through our online tutoring, ranging in topics from Trigonometry to Linear Algebra.